Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, Don’t Ignore It!
18 Agustus 2024
Read : 245
Triggers, symptoms, and how to prevent and treat Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome is a painful condition in the shoulder that occurs when the space between the shoulder blade (scapula) and the upper arm bone (humerus) narrows. This narrowing causes the rotator cuff tendons, a group of muscles that help move and stabilize the shoulder, to become pinched. Repeated friction between the tendons and bones causes inflammation, pain, and in more severe cases, tears in the tendons. Then, the inflammation that occurs causes swelling, worsening the pinching and causing pain.
Repetitive movements that lift the arm above the head, such as swimming or playing tennis, are often the main cause of this condition. As a result, daily activities become limited and cause discomfort. If the shoulder is forced to continue moving excessively as usual without proper treatment by professional, the risk of tearing the rotator cuff tendons is high (Rotator Cuff Tendinitis). To understand Shoulder Impingement Syndrome further, let's read the following article!
A. Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Triggers
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome is a one of Repetitive Strain Injury or muscle injuries triggered by repetitive movements, such as work or sports activities. Here are some things that can trigger Shoulder Impingement Syndrome:
- Advanced age and a history of previous shoulder injuries;
- Some types of sports such as swimming, tennis, rowing, weightlifting, baseball, and other sports that involve overhead hand movements if done excessively, for too long, and without proper preparation;
- Work that involves lifting heavy objects, such as construction work;
- Work such as painting and carpentry can also be triggers;
- In some people, it can occur due to an abnormal anatomical shape of the tip of the shoulder blade (acromion) that is unusual;
- The formation of new bone (bone spur) due to metabolic disorders in the bones due to the aging process or certain diseases; and
- In some cases, the trigger is unknown.
B. Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Symptoms
In general, the following are the most common symptoms of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome:
- Initially, the pain is mild in the upper part of the shoulder and only appears when doing activities that lift the arm, but over time the pain is felt all the time even when the arm is not used;
- The pain usually gets worse at night;
- The muscles lose the ability and strength to move, such as difficulty placing the arm behind the back;
- The pain can spread from the front of the shoulder to the side of the arm; and
- If it is severe and forced to move, the tendon can be injured so that the rotator cuff tears. As a result, shoulder and arm movements become increasingly difficult and feel increasingly painful.
C. Tips to Prevent and Treat Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
- Do proper warm-up and cool-down when you have to use your shoulder and arm muscles for a long time. That way, your shoulder muscles will feel more ready for the activities.
- Keep training your sore shoulder and arm muscles with the following exercises:
- Stand with both arms at your sides and palms facing forward. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for 5-10 seconds. Then, repeat several times.
- Stretch your arms straight forward using only your shoulders. Then, move your shoulders back without bending your arms or moving your neck and back.
- Lie on your side and fold your upper arms at a 90-degree angle by keeping your elbows on your hips and rotating your forearms toward the ceiling. Repeat 10-20 times.
- Stand in a doorway holding the sides of the frame using your arms in a position slightly below shoulder height. Turn your upper body until you feel a slight stretch and hold.
- However, if the above exercises cause pain, stop this exercise and try it in a shorter duration and frequency.
- Use the RICE method as first aid for your shoulder and arm that is experiencing Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, namely:
- Rest (R): Rest your shoulder and arm muscles and reduce their use.
- Ice (I): Cool the painful part of your shoulder and arm with ice for 20 minutes to reduce pain and inflammation.
- Compress (C): Wrap your shoulder and arm to limit blood flow.
- Elevate (E): Position your painful shoulder and arm higher than the other shoulder and arm. Do not let your shoulder and arm be crushed so that blood does not flow to the injured area.
- If you have shoulders pain, Come to PH Remedial Massage Indonesia to get Remedial Massage treatment and consultation. PH Remedial Massage Indonesia will help your muscle to return to normal position and shape. Immediately schedule your reservation at PH Remedial Massage Indonesia and contact us by WhatsApp: 08111338137 now!
By : Rastianta Rinandani dan Glen Stevano Tanihatu
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